Gecko Dynamics recognized as the Best Software Development Company Partner at Central European Startup Awards in 2019

Today is a happy day for the whole Gecko team! We’ve been recognized as the Best Software Development Company Partner at Central European Startup Awards in 2019. We want to thank for all the votes that made this happen and for the hard work of our team that made it possible in the first place. Guys, without you this journey would not be such a great adventure!
What is Central European Startup Awards and Global Startup Awards itself? Since 2012 Global Startup Awards annually selects and awards those regional tech/web companies that have shown outstanding achievements in business and service to the community. Central European Startup Awards is part of the Global Startup Awards, the overall process of the competition bottom-up consists of 5 different phases on the global and regional level.
Everything starts with Open Nominations where the clients decide which of the companies deserve a reward, then Global Startup Awards together with their national and regional advisors determine 5 nominations in every category. The next phase is the public voting, where the community can share their opinion after that Jury takes all the information into consideration and decides who wins a specific award. In the end, each region is capped with Grand Finale Day which is an outstanding occasion to meet others of the stakeholders, be a part of an invite-only, closed Ecosystem Summit, and share the knowledge.

Global Startup Awards is already present in over 66 countries of 3 continents, Central&Eastern Europe is represented by Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia. Being recognized among representatives of such a strong group is more than awesome, they are very good players - we'll have to look to our laurels and remember that the most important thing is to improve and make changes that bring value to our clients.
Every day we ask ourselves a question of what can we do better, even if everything seems alright. That question is never fully answered and keeps coming back each day and we never leave it ignored, so it’s incredible to see that we strive to improve our processes and make it all even more optimal for our clients to be appreciated in the world! To be even more honest it’s also nice to remember that on the other side we have people, not clients. It means that we speak with John, not some big telco or Synthia, not some car manufacturers.
This way of thinking guarantees that each of your clients will get what he really needs. You can’t really meet the requirements of the project without stepping into someone else’s shoes. This would never be possible without a dedicated team of specialists that we have onboard, nooo, let’s be clear without them it would be impossible at all.
We want to congratulate all of the winners and nominated companies, having such strong competitors gives us strength and motivation to change and improve every day!
Let's talk about your project - contact us.