
Gecko Dynamics is rated 4.9 on Clutch
Introduce your business and what you do there
I’m the CEO of Ukrnames, a Ukrainian Domain Registrar.
Opportunity / challenge
What challenge were you trying to address with Gecko Dynamics?
We needed someone to create an innovative and competitive platform for registrations.
What was the scope of their involvement?
Gecko Dynamics developed a custom platform from scratch based on Java. Gecko Dynamics provided end-to-end services in the business and technical analysis. They did the UI/UX design, development, and testing. The team provided project management and maintenance as well.
What is the team composition?
We initially began working with four people; then, we worked with two Gecko Dynamics team members.
How did you come to work with Gecko Dynamics?
When I joined my company, they were already working with Gecko Dynamics.
How much have you invested with them?
We spent $900,000.
What is the status of this engagement?
My company began working with Gecko Dynamics about 12 years ago.
Results & feedback
What evidence can you share that demonstrates the impact of the engagement?
Our platform serves 60,000 customers. It was a successful project.
How did Gecko Dynamics perform from a project management standpoint?
Project management was very good. My company did all of the documentation and mockups alongside Gecko Dynamics.
What did you find most impressive about them?
Their service was impressive.
Are there any areas they could improve?
No, there’s nothing I’d have them improve.